Cree translations by Gavin Baptiste and transcription by Gerardo Sánchez Jiménez.
Ashes and Embers : Stories of the Delmas Indian Residential School is written by Floyd Favel, art is by Alix Van Der Donckt-Ferrand with a Foreword by Karen Whitecalf and Afterword by Eleanore Sunchild. This book is dedicated to all Delmas Indian Residential School students - "May your stories live forever" (vi). Introduces the Delmas Indian Residential School (Saint Henri Indian Residential School) and over four chapters - The Little Town Otanas, Stories Acimowwinisa, When It Burned Ispehk Kamastekatak, and That Is All Akowihko Pitama. Includes an enrollment list of students from 1901-1945.
Floyd P. Favel Starr, band member of the Poundmaker Cree Nation in Saskatchewan, is a theatre theorist, director, essayist, based in Saskatchewan. He studied theatre in Denmark at the Tukak Teatret, a school for Inuit and Sami People and in Italy with Jerzy Grotowski, a Polish theatre director and one of the more influential theatre figures of the 20th century. He is the curator of the Chief Poundmaker Museum (winner of the 2018 Indigenous Tourism Award). He is the director of the Poundmaker Indigenous Performance Festival, a global Indigenous festival that is multi-cultural in presentation. The premise of the festival is that Indigenous theatre is an artistic genre that is open to all People and not defined by ‘colonial identitiesHe produced the documentary ‘Ashes and Embers’, a film about the Delmas Indian Residential School, directed by Alix Van Der Donckt Ferrand in 2021 which was premiered at the Presence Autochtone International Film Festival in Montreal, and it was screened at the Imaginative Film Festival in Toronto. Alix Van Der Donckt-Ferrand is a multi disciplinary visual artist.
2023 Saskatchewan Book Awards Shortlist - Indigenous Peoples’ Publishing Award.